Hawaii Rush

United FC Rush



United FC Rush DA - FAQ's

Q: How do I register?

A: https://unitedfcrush.sportngin.com/register/form/631665720

Q: What are the registration dates?

A: Please see individual season details. 

Q: What age group should I register my child for?

A: United FC Rush DA will assign players to an age group team based on their birth date. 

Q: How are teams formed?

A: By gender and birth year. ONE buddy request (add request in the comments section of the registration) will be considered and must be in the same birth year. Age groups may be combined to form viable groups. 

Q: Can my child play for a team in a higher age group?

A: Individual requests will be considered, but play ups are allowed by skill only in United FC Rush DA. 

Q: Is it possible for my child to play with a friend?

A: Yes. ONE buddy request only is allowed at online registration, and must be reciprocal. Your “buddy” request must be a child in the same birth year.

Q: Is it possible for my child to play with a specific coach?

A: We do not allow Coach play-with requests. 

Q: Where are practices and games held?

FALL - September and October @ Gutzwiller Park, St Michael.

WINTER - January, February and March @ STMA Dome/STMA Indoor Facility.

SUMMER - May and June @ Gutzwiller Park, St Michael.

Q: Can I drop my child off at the field and go do other things during practices or games?

A: We strongly recommend that a parent/guardian be present with their child during the time they’re at the soccer field, in case there are any problems with the child during the session. 

Q: Are practices & games held during inclement weather?

A: All practices/games in Summer & Fall are outside and are played in all weather, with the exception of lightning or poor field conditions. Players should dress appropriately for the weather. Winter Indoor sessions are held indoors, and the dome is often quite chilly in the mornings - please dress your child appropriately.

Cancellations will be posted on the United FC Rush website home page. If you are uncertain, please contact Emily Ligon, operations@unitedfcrush.com

Q: I'd like to volunteer to coach. How do I proceed?

A: Thank you! The United FC Rush DA uses volunteer coaches. Please check the Coach Volunteer question in the online registration when you register your child, and we will contact you close to the start of the season. 

Q: How do I get a United FC Rush DA uniform for my child?

A: Each participant will be provided with a United FC Rush DA t-shirt. We ask that parents independently purchase plain black socks and black shorts.

Q: What size soccer ball should my child have?

A: United FC Rush DA players use a size 3 ball. 

Q: What is United FC Rush policy on registration refunds?

A: All refund requests must be submitted in writing to operations@unitedfcrush.com. The United FC Rush Board of Directors will review each request on a case by case basis.

If the club is unable to place your child on a team you will be given a full refund.

No refunds will be given for uniform or apparel orders.

Q: What about the Super U8 Program?

A: The United FC Rush DA will supersede the United FC Rush Super U8 Program. We will review each year the opportunity to have our U8’s play in the TCSL U9 League. This will depend on numbers and ability level of the player pool.

Q: Can my player still participate in the United FC Rush Recreational Program while also doing the United FC Rush DA?

A: Absolutely...YES!

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